New Year, New Resolutions...again

Once again I find myself this New Year's Eve reflecting on the past year both triumphs and failures and contemplate what I need to do differently this year. This year was filled with some awesome memories and answered prayers. We bought our second home, sold our first home (in that order, eek!), I got a new, less stressful job closer to home, celebrated 5 years of marriage, and we got pregnant with our second son. An amazing year! Yet when I pull out my list ( yes, I like to make lists) of the previous New Year's resolutions... I feel like a failure. Every year I aspire to better myself, organize and simply my life, and set goals that are either unattainable or get caught up in every day life and push them aside. Being the teacher I am, last year I made measurable annual goals, like "complete a 5k in under 30 minutes" mixed in with a few vague generics like "get more organized". Well, I'm sure you guessed the measurable ones were easier to keep up with and meet. So this year I will again set measurable goals.
Here we go:
1. Read the entire New Testament.
2. Complete all the photo albums through 2013 (I'm a year and a half behind)
3. Complete each project I begin within 2 weeks
4. Run two races (after Beau is born)
5. Start a garden and keep it growing through 3 seasons
6. Renovate and complete 4 rooms in the house
7. Limit my consumption of processed/chemically enhanced food as much as possible (it's hard to make this measurable since there are so many factors involved but I will strive to do the best I can.)

It's not a long list but one thing they all have in common is needing time. Something I always feel short of. Time to prioritize and make the most of every minute and of course blog as much of the progress as possible.

What are your resolutions? Happy 2014!



  1. Yayy!!! I'm so happy you are blogging! It is the most addictive thing ever! Maybe we can do a bloghop sometime (I'm not entirely sure what this means though?) haha! Good luck with your resolution list and happy 2014!



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About Lissa

I'm a wife, mother of 2 boys, follower of God, teacher, crafter, painter, DIYer, make social coordinator, want-to-be gardener, and lover of the simple things in life. I desire to be a stay-at-home mom and I have recently started my own business as a Younique Presenter. This blog documents my life journey and all of its beautiful imperfections. I hope you enjoy.